Thursday, May 21, 2020

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal Essay - 1938 Words

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics: 1) Bioterrorism/Disaster 2) Environmental Issues 3) Primary Prevention/Health Promotion 4) Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population Planning Before Teaching: Name and Credentials of Teacher: Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: Time Allotted: 30 minutes Location of Teaching: St. George’s Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Projector, Computer, Screen, Powerpoint Presentation Estimated Cost: For this particular presentation, materials such as projector, screen, and necessary wiring were provided by church Computer – already in personal possession Cost: $0†¦show more content†¦Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals. My teaching on primary prevention of type II diabetes adheres to HP2020 objectives D-1 to D-16 on diabetes, specifically objective D-1 that deals with reducing the annual number of new cases of diagnosed diabetes in the population. (Target is a 10% improvement from the baseline of 8.0 new cases of diabetes per 1,000 population aged 18 to 84 years occurred in the past 12 months to the target of 7.2 new cases per 1,000 population aged 18 to 84 years). Education on the preventive measures needed to be taken by an at-risk population tackles this issue of reducing the annual number of cases. How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives (See page 116 in the textbook)? This HP2020 Objective relates to the Alma Ata’s Declaration Health for All Global Initiatives by backing the goal of increasing healthy life expectancy. Diabetes type II is a disease that can decrease life expectancy in affected populations if not diagnosed early and correctly, or prevented in the first place. Reducing annual number of diagnoses increases a population’s healthy life expectancy. Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains),Show MoreRelatedCommunity Teaching Work Plan Proposal Essay1608 Words   |  7 PagesCommunity Teaching Work Plan Proposal Introduction Hygiene and healthy living practices are important aspects of human life that are imparted onto an individual right from childhood. However, there are lapses in hand washing hygiene amongst parents and teachers thereby occasioning an unrestricted spread of germs. This in turn leads to the spread of flu and common cold as well as other strange hybrid diseases. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Renewable Energy - 785 Words

The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) aimed to influence residents to convert most of the state’s energy production into renewable energy. Based on the Califonia Energy Commision, in 2006, the standard requires 20 percent of electricity retail sales to be powered by renewable energy. The standard is then further improved to a targeted percentile of 33% in 2020 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and moving forward to the current standard which is at 51% by 2030 by Governor Edmund G. Brown. As of June 2017, California is ahead of schedule and the state is currently 29% fully powered by clean energy. These data are proven by the California Energy Commission, there are no doubt that these numbers are true, but does it really contribute to the†¦show more content†¦Therefore, this model proves that if RPS was not introduced into California, there would be a massive amount of GHG emissions, more than any of the other policies in the electricity sector. Having said that, the usage of renewable energy remains a major factor in reducing carbon emissions in the country. Since most of the states in the country are still depending on fossil fuels as their main source of energy, it is crucial to execute standards such as RPS as it will definitely make a positive impact in terms of reducing carbon emissions. Although RPS is one of the major contributor in reducing GHG emissions, there is a more intensive program that reduces more GHG emissions every year, as discussed next. The cap and trade program, a more controversial and costly program which is also designed by CARB, is aiming to reduce GHG emissions to fully support their initiatives and to meet goals relating to AB32. CARB states that the cap and trade program is a market based regulation that is developed to lessen the emission of GHGs from several emitting sources. Dale Kasler (2017) from Sacramento Bee provides an insight on the program as he states that this program sets up a cap or limit onto industrial firms by providing a certain number of permits to all the firms. He also explains that firms have to eventually purchase more permits according to their needs fromShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy839 Words   |  4 Pagesamazing thing about renewable energy resources is that they do not deplete. These energy resources include energies such as hydroelectric energy, solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. The major advantage of using these resource s is that the environmental impact is extremely low when compared to the use of fossil fuels and other energy processes. One of the most used renewable energy sources is hydroelectric power. 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Renewable energy can be defined as the energy generated from various natural sources such as sunlight,wind,water,geothermal heat and biomass, which are naturally replenished or renewed (What is renewable energy?, n.d.). The use of renewable energy helps in reducing the carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds that are emitted in to theRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Serious Problem1177 Words   |  5 Pagesclosely linked to their life. Renewable energy has been approached to reduce realistic global warming in Australia. It could replace fossil fuel to make power generation. Renewable energy is a kind of energy, which could be recycled in nature world. In Australia, wind energy and solar energy is two important renewable energies with its inexhaustible and clean advantages of gaining the favour of the government. (Oxford, 2016) This essay would discuss that renewable energy could reduce global warming

Asean Free Essays

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has plans to fast track the integration of its member countries over the next few years. Aside from encouraging cooperation through traditional diplomatic and cultural activities, there are also ambitious proposals for ASEAN to issue a single visa and currency, and even form a united regional Olympic team. The advantages of a united ASEAN are easy to imagine. We will write a custom essay sample on Asean or any similar topic only for you Order Now A cohesive ASEAN would likely bring tremendous benefits to Southeast Asians in the forms of more jobs, more tourists, stronger defense forces and improved camaraderie among competing neighbors. Besides, who would oppose the idea of unity and greater economic coordination in the region? But ASEAN’s basic problem is not merely an absence of unity. Wasn’t unity the main objective of ASEAN when it was established in 1967? The fact that after four decades, the group is still pushing to integrate its ten member countries suggests a pretty significant failure to foster solidarity in the region. Without undermining the laudable efforts of the ASEAN Secretariat, many doubt it can realize the One Community vision by its announced target date of 2015. How can it, if it continues to use the same approach that has singularly failed to unite its members to date? ASEAN unity will remain an impossible vision as long as its members continue to demand it for the wrong reasons. In truth, each member nation views its association with ASEAN as a means to pursue its national interests. Sacrificing the national agenda to realize the regional good is largely an alien concept to ASEAN members. Member nations are in favor of unity as long as it doesn’t conflict with their respective national objectives. To be sure, ASEAN has successfully coordinated aid and relief efforts when natural disasters have devastated the region. But the group should be more than the region’s answer to Red Cross. But such instances are usually when ASEAN unity is invoked, namely, when a member is overwhelmed by a problem it can’t solve or when it is affected by a neighbor’s woes. Today, for example, we hear demands for ASEAN to intervene in Burma’s Rohingya Dilemma, maritime disputes in the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea, and human trafficking across the region. ASEAN’s next step will most likely be to decide whether to issue a joint statement to address these issues. In the absence of disasters, and in between ministerial conferences, however, ASEAN has failed to engage in the essential task of building regional unity. ASEAN hasn’t even been able to prevent members from accusing each other of being bad neighbors. East Timor’s attempts to join the club have been blocked by Singapore, among others, which view its entry as a threat to their national interests, although the reason given to the public is usually East Timor’s internal conflicts. Ultimately, ASEAN’s unwillingness to form a more united and powerful regional grouping has been exploited by global powers like the United States, China and Japan, which are aggressively promoting their geopolitical interests in the region. A unified ASEAN could challenge the political and economic resources of these big nations. Instead, each ASEAN member has preferred to negotiate individually. It’s tragic enough that ASEAN is not united. It’s more tragic to hear ASEAN members articulate and advance the interests of non-ASEAN superpowers during ASEAN summits. At the minimum, a united ASEAN could prevent colonial powers old and new from dominating the region. But that’s just a start. After asserting its independence, it would be great to see ASEAN aspire to become a global power in its own right. With this vision in mind, perhaps it’s time to unite and promote the Southeast Asian way of life as a viable alternative to the world. How to cite Asean, Papers Asean Free Essays How Thailand implements the roadmap for ASEAN Community by 2015 Introduction My name is P. I am a human resource development officer in the Department of Foreign Trade in Thailand. According to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Community 2015 that Thailand is planning to attend in 2015, my responsibility is providing support in the various human resource functions, which include training and developing. We will write a custom essay sample on Asean or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main purpose of this document is to provide the preparation for Thais on the roadmap of ASEAN Community 2015. Thailand is supposed to create a new policy that would assist Thailand to wisely develop the country and expand the economy among ASEAN Community 2015. Overview of the Issues The  Association of Southeast Asian Nations  (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967 by five leaders – the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand and then membership has enlarged to include Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN. ASEAN is an inter-governmental and economic organization. ASEAN has considerably contributed to strengthening the basis for peace, stability, security and prosperity in the region as well as enhancing the regional coherence and competitiveness in the face of new challenges unleashed by globalization and the rise of new economic powerhouses in Asia. The co-operation program of ASEAN is very comprehensive, covering all domains of social life, politically, economically, socially and culturally in line with the ASEAN Vision 2020. Yoong Yoong, 2011) However, in 2009 ASEAN reaffirms the commitment to accelerating the establishment of the ASEAN Community by decreasing 5 years to 2015. The ASEAN Community 2015 is comprised of three pillars, the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). AEC’s end-goal of a â€Å"single market† connotes an EU-style common market where there is complete freedom of trade of goods, services, capital and labor (Peter, 2005). The three pillars have different concepts, hence, to start with ASEAN Political-Security Community; The APSC shall aim to ensure that countries in the region live at peace with one another and with the world in a just, democratic and harmonious environment (ASEAN Secretariat, 2012). The ASEAN Economic Community is the free flow of goods, services, investment, and a competition in the global economy. The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community is to realize an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples and Member States of ASEAN (ASEAN Secretariat, 2012). The establishment of ASEAN’s single market in 2015 is expected to bring both benefits and costs back to member countries. Initially, Free Trade Area underpinning the AEC is the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), an advantageous tariff scheme to stimulate the free flow of goods within ASEAN that are manufactured locally within any ASEAN country. The AFTA will open more regional cooperation and will enable easier movement of investment, goods, services, capital and people. Next in order, the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Area (ACIA) will encourage the free flow of investment within ASEAN. All industries are to be opened up for investment, elimination of investment impediments, enlarging transparency, and undertaking investment facilitation measures. In the third place, ASEAN members are negotiating intra-regional services liberalization in several sectors, including financial services, air transport, construction, maritime transport, telecommunications and tourism. There are eight professions that lay the way for the free flow of skilled labor consisting doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, accountants, surveyors and the tourism industry. Ultimately, to enhancing tourism opportunity in ASEAN countries. Asians travel more in the region and there are more travelers from other countries that have begun to reach out to Asia as new visitors, especially the tourists from Europe. The travel and tourism sector is estimated to account for 4. 6 percent of ASEAN GDP and 10. 9 percent when taking into account all indirect contributions. It directly employs 9. 3 million people, or 3. 2 percent of total employment, and indirectly supports some 25 million jobs (World Economic Forum, 2012). In terms of economic growth in ASEAN, the ten Southeast Asian countries are widely different from each other. Most countries are developing their countries; Malaysia, for instance, has targeted 6 percent average annual growth for the period 2006-2010 against 4. 9 percent in 2000-2005. The Philippine development plan calls for growth to accelerate to 7-8 percent in 2009-2010 which requires greater than 7 percent growth overall in 2006-2010 in comparison to 4. 6 percent in 2000-2005 (David, 2008). Including Thailand which is an agricultural country and also an important rice producer and exporter to the world. Thai rice exports in 2010 had a value of US$5,399 million; Thailand had 47. 41% of the world market share of global rice exports. (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2011). After one year of the AEC’s opening, there are only three countries that have so far benefited by expanded market shares inside ASEAN consist of Thailand which over 10,000 million dollars, Vietnam and Indonesia as shown in the appendix (table 9). Simultaneously, Thailand increased the opportunities to export to the ASEAN market such as rice, industrial goods, motor vehicles, parts and transportation accessories, and electrical appliances and electronics according to table 3, 5, 6, and 7 in the appendix. On the other hand, 100% of Thai farmers still neither know nor understand the AEC, and whilst 86. 6% of millers know AEC only 10% of them understand the details of the agreements (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, 2011). Consequently, Thailand must be prepared the personnels ahead of time to meet the challenges and opportunities of ASEAN. Policy Recommendation * Public Relations about ASEAN : With over 60 million Thais, I think that approximately only 10 percent who understand deeply about ASEAN. Thereby, this policy will assist Thais to understand clearly about this organization. We need to give the information about ASEAN including the explanation what is ASEAN and How ASEAN benefits back to Thais by using social media such as television, radio, newspaper, and brochure. When the government encourages ASEAN, then a more cooperative approach may be possible in the future. * English learning center : As we know that English will be the official language of ASEAN, hence, Thailand need to introduce a basic curriculum in English and focus on developing teachers. Thais ticked Filipino and Chinese languages most probably due to the influx of Filipino English teachers, Thais with Chinese origins, and the thousands of government sponsored Chinese language teachers spread even in the remotest areas of the kingdom (Wilang and Teo, 2012). Accordingly, the government has to improve English skills for Thais to get people ready for ASEAN community. Thai students’ English-language skills rank below those of youngsters in at least three other member countries of ASEAN, according to a recent survey by Education First (EF), an international language school Thailand ranked 42nd out of 44 countries surveyed for adult English proficiency below Vietnam (39), and Indonesia (34), with Malaysia the top ASEAN country at No 9 (Bangkokpost, 2012). Therefore, the government need to renovate the basis of education by increase qualified English teacher and improve speaking and grammar. I understand that Thais have always been shy when we speak due to Thai accent and vocabulary but Thailand will have to compete against English-speaking professionals and skilled workers from the other member. It is never too late to start improving English language skills for Thai nations. * The vocational training center : Unemployment at the end of 1997 was officially estimated at 1. million people and is expected to increase by 400,000 or more during 1998; incomes of those in employment have been reduced through reduction in hours worked, in regular pay and in bonuses; the prices of food, pharmaceuticals and other essential commodities have risen; and some public services have been reduced due to budgetary cutbacks (as cited in Barbara, 1998). Following this, Thailand has to concern about the vocational training center because this organization assesses the current provision that they need for training among unemployment and expand current labor market opportunities. Thailand is an agricultural country, hence, we need skilled labor to operate with agricultural raw materials, as well as to improve the economic structure for greater efficiency in production, transportation, and strengthen public and private sector cooperation. * Establish a specific organization for ASEAN community in Thailand : After Thailand decided to attend to ASEAN community 2015, Thailand was established Department of ASEAN Affairs, this organization preserve and promote Thailand’s role in ASEAN in term of political stability and security, potential, social and cultural development. In others, this organization is an intermediary between Thailand and ASEAN community regarding the economy and the negotiation in ASEAN free trade area. Conclusion When 2015 arrives, as a member of the ASEAN, It will inevitably affect Thailand in many aspects. It is imperative that Thailand have to prepare ourselves not only for being a good member of ASEAN Community but also for accommodating the ASEAN Community. During 2 years, over 60 million Thais are working hard to improve the potential to get Thailand ready for ASEAN community in 2015 especially the English skills. There are going to be more jobs and more opportunities from the foreign investors. Consequently, I believe that these policies will definitely assist Thailand implements the roadmap for ASEAN Community by 2015. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or comments at ptb809@jwu. edu. Appendix : See Reference 7 pg. 11-13 References Green, D. (2008). The Role of ASEAN Economic Community as a Commitment to Policy Certainty. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 25(2), pp. 209-227. doi:10. 1355/ae24-2f Lee, Y. (2011). Asean Matters : Reflecting on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. WSPC/OTHERS. . 54. Retrieved from http://site. ebrary. com/lib/jwu/Doc? id= 10493524ppg=54 Lloyd, P. J. (2005). What is a Single Market: An Application to the Case of ASEAN. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 22(3), pp. 251-263. Murray, B. (1998). Vocational Training of Disabled Persons in Thailand: a Challenge to Policymakers. Gladnet Collection. Wilang, J. , Teo, A. (2012). Measuring the Comp rehensibility of Englishes within ASEAN among Aseans. Online Submission. Retrieved from http://0-search. ebscohost. com. helin . uri. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=ericAN=ED535030site=ehost-livescope=site Bangkokpost. 2012, July 27). English skills below Asean partners. Bangkokpost. Retrieved from http://www. bangkokpost. com/breakingnews/304600/thai-ranks-no-42-in- english Center for International Trade Studies, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. (2011). An Analysis:ASEAN Economic Community,What is Thailand in the ASEAN Market? 1(4) The ASEAN Travel Tourism Competitiveness Report, (2012). World Economic Forum. Retrieved from www. weforum. org/aean_ttcr_2012. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Secretariat. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. asean. org/asean/about-asean. How to cite Asean, Essay examples